The Coalition For Canceled Priests (CFCP) is dedicated to spiritually and materially supporting faithful priests who seek to return to active ministry after being unjustly canceled by their bishops. CFCP is lay-driven and relies upon prayer, fasting, and actions by an array of contributors who rigorously defend these priests and fight back against errant bishops.
The Catholic League is the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization. Founded in 1973 by the late Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., the Catholic League defends the right of Catholics – lay and clergy alike – to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.
Bishops can no longer be trusted to police themselves. As Bishop Fulton Sheen prophetically stated in 1972, it will be up to the laity to help save the Church. This website is our first contribution towards working to cleanse the Church and restore Her credibility. We seek to identify those in authority who have forsaken their responsibilities to act in the face of corruption and force them to resign their offices. We entrust our efforts to the patron saint of the United States, Mary our Mother.
Priests for Life refers to a very specific effort to galvanize the clergy to preach, teach, and mobilize their people more effectively in the effort to end abortion and euthanasia.
The Oblates, whose name means “offering,” are a group of priests and brothers founded early in 1816 by the Venerable Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri. Ven. Lanteri, a priest from Northern Italy, always insisted that the Virgin Mary is the Foundress of the Congregation. Having lost his own mother at the age of four, he used to say with a heartfelt love: “I have known no mother than Mary most holy, and throughout my life I have received nothing but caresses from such a good mother.”
The Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary is a fraternal community of consecrated life in the Roman Catholic Church. In America, the members of the Congregation are perhaps best known for their work promoting the message of Divine Mercy from Stockbridge, Massachusetts. They are also known for their devotion to Mary Immaculate, dedication to praying for the poor souls in Purgatory, and active service to the Church. is a non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life, and family. It was launched in September 1997. LifeSiteNews Daily News reports and information pages are used by numerous organizations and publications, educators, professionals and political, religious and life and family organization leaders and grassroots people across North America and internationally.